Yasmin Qureshi Labour Member of Parliament for Bolton South and Walkden

The Government has outlined its proposals to reform the fire and rescue service in a White Paper.
I know that the Fire Brigades Union (FBU) has raised concerns about these proposals, which I believe that the Government has a duty to take seriously. The Government must recognise the value of the FBU, which works hard to protect firefighters and fire and rescue services.
The White Paper was subject to a consultation, which closed on 26 July 2022. I am eager to read the outcome of the consultation and the Government’s response, which I hope will take on board the concerns highlighted by the FBU.
The Government’s White Paper must not be a missed opportunity to improve and boost support for fire and rescue services. Over the last 10 years, the funding and staffing of fire and rescue services has been cut, and response times have gone up by 8%. As a result, there are real questions to be asked about resilience in our fire services.
These basic issues should be the focus of the Government’s White Paper, not ideological attacks on firefighters pay, conditions, and workers’ rights or pet projects like introducing directly-elected fire commissioners and transferring power and oversight to them.
I can assure you that I will continue to do everything I can to fight against cuts to fire and rescue services and make sure that the voices of firefighters are heard. This includes scrutinising future legislation to ensure that it works for firefighters not against them.